Claisebook Cove, East Perth - Water channel clearing - After photo

Our Mission

Develop capability and offer waterway clearing services to meet the needs of local government authorities, community groups, and other clients.

Your Partner in Waterway and Wetland Clean Up

We’re a trusted ally in restoring and preserving the natural beauty of waterways.

Our Story

Our business emerged from a passion for Perth’s environment. Our owners and partners want to see Perth environs free from pollution and thriving with aquatic life.

Backed by BAX Services, CWW is a force to be reckoned with in waterway and wetland clearing and clean ups.

When contracted to perform clean up work, we work hard to ensure client satisfaction with the results.

Our Approach

1. Experience: With more than 10 years’ experience in the delivery of environmental services, we have the knowledge and expertise to tackle a wide range of clean up challenges.

2. Innovative Solutions: We use motorised amphibious technology and eco-friendly methods to address waterway pollution issues. We minimise negative impact while delivering the engaged clean up works.

3. Project Tracking: Before and after each job, we photograph and record details. We do this not only for our records but to share project information with agencies and bodies that engage us.

Why Choose Us?

  • Dedication: We’re dedicated to completing each clean up job comprehensively and effectively.
  • Customised Solutions: Each job is unique – and we tailor our cleanup strategies to meet the specific needs of the area.
  • Community-Centric: We work with high levels of safety – mindful of the impact of our works on the local community – things like machinery noise and disruptions to access to parks for members of the public.
  • Eco-Friendly Practices:We minimise harm to the environment while maximising the effectiveness of our clean up efforts.
Clear Waterways and Wetlands - Logo - Official

Proud member of the BAX Services group

See our other environmental services business that offers mechanical sieving of sandpits and beaches.


Got questions about our services or want to request a proposal?

Please get in touch via our contact form or view our Contact page.